Progress Update Fridays – May 24, 2024

Area 51 by Annie Jacobsen

Check this book out at: Goodreads

Progress: Page 62 of 540

How it’s going:

So far I am learning a lot of interesting things in this book. Last week we learned that the original entity in charge of Area 51 was the Atomic Energy Commission. This week we learned that the first official use of Area 51 (apart from nuclear tests at the Nevada Testing Site) was to engineer and test the U-52 spy plane that the government wanted to use to spy on the Soviet Union. Because the project was secret, many residents reported that the planes were UFOs because..planes weren’t supposed to fly that high. And that was the first connection with Area 51 and UFOs.

Behind the Red Door by Megan Collins

Check this book out at: Goodreads

Progress: Page 87 of 320


When Fern Douglas sees the news about Astrid Sullivan, a thirty-four-year-old missing woman from Maine, she is positive that she knows her. Fern’s husband is sure it’s because of Astrid’s famous kidnapping—and equally famous return—twenty years ago, but Fern has no memory of that, even though it happened an hour outside her New Hampshire hometown. And when Astrid appears in Fern’s recurring nightmare, one in which a girl reaches out to her, pleading, Fern fears that it’s not a dream at all, but a memory.

Back home in New Hampshire, Fern purchases a copy of Astrid’s recently published memoir—which may have provoked her original kidnapper to abduct her again—and as she reads through its chapters and visits the people and places within it, she discovers more evidence that she has an unsettling connection to the missing woman. As Fern’s search becomes increasingly desperate, she hopes to remember her past so she can save Astrid in the present…before it’s too late.

How it’s going:

This story has a really good premise. And so far I have learned a lot abut Fern and a bit abut Astrid. Fern has had recurring nightmares about a girl with no face reaching for her. When she sees Astrid on the news she realizes that Astrid is the girl she’s been dreaming about. I have also learned that Fern was raised by complete psychopaths. And seemingly everyone she knows, except her husband, is completely twisted. I’m excited to see where this goes.